Phase I: Laying the Foundation

Assessment Kickoff
The Town of Corte Madera Climate Adaptation Assessment process began in January of 2019. Designed to provide the necessary foundation and framework for Town staff, elected officials, and a diverse community of stakeholders, to make critical decisions that address the Town’s extensive range of climate change vulnerabilities. The Adaptation Assessment is intended to be a living document, used regularly, and should be updated every 5 years or integrated into other planning and policies to ensure that the Town is keeping pace with current strategies, emerging technology, and rates of climate change

Forming the RAC
The Resilience Advisory Committee for the project was made up of a select group of local and regional experts including Town Council Members, Town staff, and representatives from regional organizations. The Committee was engaged throughout the project to provide advice and guidance on a variety of issues including: how best to engage with the broader community; how to connect with other on-going and relevant regional initiatives and projects; guide the use of available data sources, provide input on adaptation options, and resources; and ultimately help inform the Town’s selection of potential adaptation actions.

Existing Conditions/Summary Sheets
The project team worked closely with Town staff and the Resilience Advisory Committee to better understand and develop a summary of key climate impacts facing the community. The team gathered existing information on vulnerabilities and background data from resources across the town, county, region, and state to help us identify opportunities, constraints, and standards that the Town used to guide the development of the Assessment. In addition, climate change projections were assessed (precipitation, sea level rise and storm surge, wildfires, and extreme heat) and evaluated. Other variables considered included community asset locations and information, existing and planned land use planning policies, codes, and regulations, population characteristics, and demographic projections. Because this Assessment was funded through a CalTrans grant, special emphasis was placed on identifying the most vulnerable and valuable transportation and transit assets, property, and transportation infrastructure (e.g. US 101, major boulevards and connector streets). This investigation into existing conditions included: meetings with the Fire Marshall, Fire Chief, and Police Chief to discuss emergency planning and event management and better understand wildfire risk. Technical discussion with modelers from USGS and BCDC helped the team better understand the sea level rise and coastal flood risk for the community.

Resource List
In conducting initial research for the development of the Assessment, the team created an extensive working resource document seen here. The broad range of resources collected for this document were compiled based on their relevance to the climate change adaptation work happening in Corte Madera. This list is intended to provide a foundation of information to support the Town’s understanding of the local impacts of climate change, showcase innovative approaches to adaptation in the surrounding region and state, and help guide a path forward for the Town’s adaptation planning efforts.

Phase II: Engaging on Adaptation


Community Climate Change Survey
In spring of 2019, a broad survey designed to gather input from residents on the key climate related challenges facing the Town and identify potential adaptation alternatives was distributed through the Town’s newsletter, through the school district’s newsletter, promoted at the public meetings, and shared at the Farmer’s Market. You can view the final survey results here. 128 respondents completed the survey, (most of which were from Corte Madera) offering a broad array of information and insight about general community goals, values, and perceptions about climate change.

Community Workshop #1
The project team hosted a series of two public meetings in early May 2019. The first meeting (May 8th, 2019 at the Cove School) focused on shoreline neighborhoods and the current and future risk of coastal flooding. The second meeting (May 9th, 2019 at the Community Center) focused on hillside neighborhoods and current and future risk of wildfire. Both were well attended, highlighted the wealth of knowledge and experience in the community, and provided space for a conversation on what resilience means for the community. You can see the presentations and watch the recordings of the meetings here:

Phase III: Exploring Adaptation Options


Community Workshop #2
On June 18, 2020, the climate adaptation assessment team hosted a virtual workshop to provide updates on the project and begin broadly sharing the work that has happened to that date. The live workshop had nearly 50 attendees who discussed not only the adaptation projects vision, goals, and framework, but suites of adaptation actions that were considered to better prepare the Town for climate change. The workshop presentation can be found here. And a recording of the webinar can be seen here.

Storymap - Exploring Resilience and Adaptation Approaches for the Town, Wildfires, and Sea Level Rise
We solicited feedback on strategies to address these climate change hazards in order to develop the Town of Corte Madera’s Climate Adaptation Assessment including: the climate adaptation plan vision and goals; hillside and wildfire strategies; and, shoreline and sea level rise strategies. You can access the interactive Town of Corte Madera Adaptation Plan StoryMap here. A summary of the input received through the survey embedded in the StoryMap is available here.

Phase IV: Refining Adaptation Approaches


The Resilience Advisory Committee (RAC) Meetings
The Resilience Advisory Committee met on July 29, 2020 to discuss the most recent work completed on the Assessment including: survey outreach; concept area design specifics for both the hillside and shoreline focus areas; concept adaptation pathways; priority actions and projects; the approach to evaluating adaptation actions; early report design concepts; and the costs of inaction.

Town Staff Presentation on the Flood Control Board Meeting
The Town staff presented the Climate Adaptation Plan to the Flood Control Board on August 10, 2020. You can also view the video at the link to the right.

The BayWave Steering Committee
R.J. Suokko, Director of Public Works presented updates on the Assessment and resilience concepts for the shoreline neighborhoods to the BayWave Steering Committee on August 26, 2020.

Refining Adaptation Actions
On October 29th, the RAC meeting provided an opportunity for the consultant team to provide updates, introduce prioritized actions, and support the RAC in identifying next the near-term path forward.

Phase V: Finalizing the Climate Adaptation Assessment


Public Comment Period #1 (January 2021)
Thanks to the collaborative planning process, input from Town Staff, the Resilience Advisory Committee, the San Francisco Estuary Institute, and the community, the Town’s Draft Adaptation Assessment contains a wide range of potential actions and a mix of potential policy, education, and investment alternatives. The Assessment was available for public review during two separate stages (one in January, one in March after edits had been integrated). You can find the frequently asked questions and answers from the first public review period here. In addition, a petition (text available here and list of signatories here) was started in response to the first Draft of the Adaptation Assessment.

Community Workshop #3
The Third Community Workshop for the project was completed on November 19th. A recording of that workshop is available here. You can also download and review a copy of the presentation from that workshop.

Town Council Presentation and Discussion
The first of two presentations and discussions with the Town Council on the Adaptation Assessment happened during the December 15th meeting. We are grateful for the input from the community and the Council to help inform further development and refinement of the Assessment. You can review the presentation or watch the video recording here (Adaptation Assessment discussions starts at minute 59).

Community Workshops #4 and #5
On February 3 and 4, 2021, two additional workshops were held to further discuss the development of the draft adaptation assessment planning process, climate projections, and potential solutions. The workshop on February 3 was focused on the shoreline section of the Assessment. A recording of that workshop can be found here. The workshop on February 4 was focused on the hillside section of the Assessment and planning process. A recording of that workshop can be found here.

Public Comment Period #2 (March 2021)
An additional public comment period was added to ensure that community input during the first public comment period was included and informed the final version of the Assessment. You can find the summary of public comments from the second review period here.

Town Council Review and Acceptance
The Climate Adaptation Assessment was reviewed, discussed, and unanimously accepted at the Town Council Meeting on May 18th.